Why Extreme Heat Is More Dangerous For Seniors

Senior Home Care in Needham MA

Extreme heat poses significant risks to seniors. As seniors get older, their bodies have a harder time regulating temperature. That means seniors find it difficult to stay cool when the temperatures rise. If seniors can’t bring their body temperature down, they have a higher risk of developing a heat-based illness, such as heat exhaustion. Heat […]

Six Things Your Mom Wants But May Not Be Telling You

In-Home Care in Brookline MA

Is your mom keeping secrets? As adults age, there are often things they don’t tell their kids. Here are six things that your mom may not be telling you. To Have Someone Helping Her on Shopping Trips Your mom doesn’t like shopping alone. She finds it difficult to make a payment at the register. If […]

Dementia: A Guide to Hygiene and Grooming for Family Caregivers

Personal Care at Home in Sudbury MA

Alzheimer’s is the most common type of dementia, but it’s not the only one. All forms of dementia share one commonality. As the disease progresses, grooming and hygiene become harder and harder for the person to handle. As the family caregiver, you’ll have to step in and help. How do you help your mom with […]

Summer Foods That Help Seniors Stay Hydrated

Elder Care in Cambridge MA

Dehydration can be a big problem for seniors throughout the year, but it’s a bigger problem during the warm summer months. Because seniors sweat more during the warm weather they lose even more moisture and that can lead to them becoming dangerously dehydrated. A great way for seniors to stay hydrated during warm weather is […]

Five Effective Ways to Manage Arthritis in Seniors

Home Care in Weston MA

Arthritis is a common disease that causes inflammation in the joints and affects millions of older people around the world. It can cause long-term pain, mobility issues, and a lower quality of life. But with the proper techniques and support from loved ones and home care, seniors can lessen the effects of arthritis and continue […]

Strategies for Improving the Immune System

24-Hour Home Care in Sudbury MA

For the past few years, many people have focused on the immune system and how they can strengthen it to overcome many things. For seniors, this concern has been forefront for even longer. The good news is that there are several things people can do to boost their immune system, ranging from getting enough sleep […]

The Most Common Mental Health Conditions That Affect Seniors

Companion Care at Home in Newton MA

May is National Mental Health Month and it’s a good time for families to focus on their parent’s mental health and well-being. Mental health is just as important as physical healthy for seniors, but seniors are much less likely to look after their mental health. When seniors get a cut or have a medical health […]

Spring Cleaning Hacks For Seniors Aging In Place

Home Care Assistance in Lincoln MA

Spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to open the windows and let the fresh spring breezes fill the house. But spring cleaning can be tough for seniors who are aging in place and may not have the flexibility, mobility, or dexterity to do the kind of deep cleaning that they usually do. These spring cleaning […]

4 Things Seniors Need To Start A Garden

Home Care in Brookline MA

April is National Garden Month and it’s a great time for seniors to make sure they are ready to get their garden going when the time is right. Gardening is a great activity for seniors because it gives seniors a reason to be outside enjoying the sunshine and warm weather. The gentle activities of gardening […]

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