Senior Care News

Five Tips for Improving Life After a Heart Attack

Home Care in Lincoln MA
Home Care in Lincoln MA

Life after a heart attack can mean big changes for aging adults. They might have to make some new decisions around health and overall well-being that are very different from how they’re used to living. Embracing these new choices often means accepting help from new sources, too, like home care providers.

Stick to the Doctor’s Care Plan

After a heart attack, seniors will get plenty of advice from their doctors and healthcare providers. Their best bet is to follow that roadmap for recovery as closely as they can. That often means taking medications as prescribed, following new dietary recommendations, and becoming more physically active. Elder care providers can help seniors to adopt these new routines and learn to fit those new plans into their daily lives.

Go to Follow-up Appointments

Follow-up appointments help seniors to ensure that they’re recovering properly and that they’re getting the recovery they need from following their doctor’s care plans. During these follow-up appointments, seniors need to share how they’re really doing and be honest about what’s going on with their health. Getting to those appointments might be more difficult than it was in the past, however, so relying on senior care providers for transportation help can be a solid solution.

Make Lifestyle Changes

When seniors hear the words “lifestyle changes” they often think about diet and exercise, and that’s accurate. But there are other lifestyle changes to consider, too. Reducing sodium intake, quitting smoking, moderating alcohol intake, and more all require planning and follow-through. Having help making these plans can be good because it helps seniors to stay focused on why these changes are so important to get right.

Find Extra Support

Any type of big change is so much easier with the right tools and support. Seniors in particular can find it difficult to make some of the changes they need to make after a heart attack. Encouragement and motivation come from having emotional support and seniors may find that help from home care providers. Caregivers understand how tough it can be for seniors to adopt new habits after experiencing a big health issue like a heart attack. That enables them to be there for aging adults.

Give it Some Time

It’s really important for seniors to remember that these big changes they may need to make after a heart attack don’t happen overnight. Taking the time to recover properly and to deal with the emotions brought up by the heart attack is all part of that recovery period. Working through those feelings, both alone and with the help of others, can set the stage for a healthier life after a heart attack.

Improving life after a heart attack looks different for every senior. Putting the right changes and support systems in place is crucial. Seniors benefit from working with home care providers, healthcare providers, and their family caregivers to find the right care plan to help them through their recoveries. Taking things one step at a time helps to make some of the biggest changes easier to manage.


If you or an aging loved one are considering home care in Lincoln, MA, please contact the caring staff at PlatinumCare + today. Call (617) 237-0867.

PlatinumCare + was born out of the desire and passion to provide the very best home health care possible in Brookline, Dover, Newton, Needham, Watertown, Weston, Cambridge, Lincoln, Sudbury, Belmont, Boston MA, and surrounding areas.

Brenda Musoke

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