Extreme heat poses significant risks to seniors. As seniors get older, their bodies have a harder time regulating temperature. That means seniors find it difficult to stay cool when the temperatures rise. If seniors can’t bring their body temperature down, they have a higher risk of developing a heat-based illness, such as heat exhaustion.
Heat exhaustion is a condition that occurs when the body becomes overheated, resulting in symptoms such as heavy sweating, weakness, dizziness, and nausea. If left untreated, heat exhaustion can progress to heatstroke, a life-threatening condition characterized by a body temperature above 104°F (40°C). Heatstroke can cause organ damage and even death if seniors don’t get immediate medical attention.
In other less severe cases, extreme heat can have an impact on other body functions. Here are just a few ways extreme heat can be dangerous and how senior home care can help.
Making Pre-Existing Conditions Worse
Seniors who have pre-existing medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, or respiratory problems may find their symptoms get worse in the heat. Breathing can be especially difficult for seniors when it’s hot and humid. Seniors who have asthma, COPD, lung cancer, or other illnesses like those may need supplemental oxygen during bouts of extremely hot weather.
Seniors who are prone to migraines may find that they get more migraines when the weather is extremely hot. And senior who typically don’t have a lot of headaches may start getting them more often. The changes in air pressure can often cause headaches. So can the rapid rise in temperature. Seniors who are struggling to function because of headaches should talk to their doctor. Often medication can help manage weather-related headaches.
Edema is swelling, usually in the hands and feet. Many seniors have edema regularly. It can be a side effect of medication. Or it can be caused by a medical condition. Diabetes can often cause swelling in the feet and legs. But in the extreme heat edema can be much worse than usual. And senior that don’t usually have edema may develop it because of the weather. Seniors with edema should elevate their feet and legs whenever possible. Walking around and wearing compression socks can also help manage edema.
Seniors are prone to dehydration even when it’s not extremely warm. But as seniors sweat trying to regulate their body temperatures they will become dehydrated. The hotter the temperature is the more they will sweat. Seniors can become dehydrated very quickly in the heat. That’s why seniors should be sipping on cool water regularly when the temperatures rise. Drinking too much water at once can be very hard on the kidneys. It’s better if seniors are drinking small amounts of cool water throughout the day rather than drinking a large glass of water occasionally.
How Senior Home Care Can Help Prevent Heat-Related Illnesses
Senior home care can help prevent heat-related illnesses in the summer. By helping seniors dress appropriately, regulate their fluid intake, monitor their time outdoors, ensure their home is cool and more, senior home care can support your parent’s effort to maintain safe body temperatures.
If you or an aging loved one are considering senior home care in Needham, MA, please contact the caring staff at PlatinumCare + today. Call (617) 237-0867.
PlatinumCare + was born out of the desire and passion to provide the very best home health care possible in Brookline, Dover, Newton, Needham, Watertown, Weston, Cambridge, Lincoln, Sudbury, Belmont, Boston MA, and surrounding areas.
All with decades of experience, Tim in IT Operations, Support, and Management, Brenda in Client Relations, Healthcare Services & Sales Management, and Anne in Healthcare as a Nurse Practitioner combined their skills to form what is now PlatinumCare +.
As immigrants to the US, all came from backgrounds where Healthcare for aging parents was a responsibility of the immediate family and the entire community. Aging, sick, or terminal community members were cared for physically, emotionally, and financially by family, friends, including strangers! This community approach, Healthcare with a difference, delivered with the utmost love, care, sacrifice, and passion, forms the basis of how PlatinumCare + grounds itself.
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